Combined Gelato Machines

Combined Gelato Machines are innovative machines that integrate multiple functions for gelato production.

They combine blending, stirring, freezing, and storage capabilities in an efficient and effective manner.

These machines are capable of producing multiple flavors of gelato simultaneously, ensuring fast and consistent quality.

Product Description


Very compact and efficient design, one machine can easy to serve qualified premium ice cream with pasteurization and freezing together.

The patented blender is the key to making smooth texture and proper overrun ice cream.

The controller combined with excellent experience of gelato making.


they are fantastic for daily standard operation, also perfect  flexible for developing new desert products.

Modello     Capacità Cond. Tensione Patenza installata Compressore Dim.L/P/A Dim.Imaballaggio Peso nettle Peso lodro
Model Capacity Cool. Current Installed Power Compressor Dim.W/D/H Packaging Dim. Net weight Gross Weight
Modelo    capacidad Cond. Volataje Potencia Instalada Compresor Dim.A/P/A Dim embalaje Peso neto Peso Bruto
Ltr. Volt/ph/hz KW hp mm mm kg kg
M5C* 4.8+3 Air 220/1/50,60 2.65+1.72 1.5 400/720/825 500/820/980 142 201
M10C 10+7 Water 220,380/3/50,60 4,60+2.10 4 600/830/1400 700/970/1550 343 403
M15C 15+10 Water 220,380/3/50,60 5.30+2.10 5 600/870/1400 700/970/1550 355 415
M20C 20+14 Water 220,380/3/50,60 8.00+4.30 6 600/960/1500 700/960/1650 395 470
M30C 30+20 Water 220,380/3/50,60 7.25+4.30 5 600/960/1500 700/1060/1650 460 530
Combined Gelato Machines

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